Стр. 25 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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and scientific communicative situations in a foreign language. The modern specialist,
alongside with fundamental education has to have a definite level of communicative
reserves. Among the requirements to a specialist's professional qualities, communica-
tion skills and ability to establish contacts are paid special attention to in foreign and
home scientific works. Communicative abilities are considered the necessary element
of a specialist's competence allowing fulfilling his / her professional functions [1].
Future specialists are to have a self-identification ability, to employ social
technologies in major spheres of life using social knowledge. Hence, the consolida-
tion of cultural, humanistic, ethic function of education should be encouraged. An
educational establishment ought to provide students with the opportunity to realize
their ambitions for acquiring additional knowledge and competences, developing
their skills via participation in scientific research societies, conferences, elective and
optional courses, etc. The Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry
(University) is realizing the program of students' extracurricular activities, implying
several content areas: in-depth studying of foreign languages, carrying scientific re-
search, arranging special theme events by students.
In-depth English language learning experience was made use of in the work of
Students’ Scientific Society «Lingua», where students accomplish their own scien-
tific purposes through participation in different conferences, seminars, etc. As a re-
sult, the participants have been mastering the spoken and scientific language and are
able to understand composite sentences, communicated with a certain degree of flu-
ency, took an active part in discussions in familiar contexts, developing and explain-
ing their points of view.
The Students’ Scientific Society programme does not involve any additional
hours in the format of classes, but implies a considerable amount of independent
work by the students with a few hours allocated for tutorials. During the students’ in-
dependent work multi-aspect approach to the language learning is maintained. They
are given assignments clearly oriented towards «reading – writing» and «listening –
speaking» activities, which allows the realization of the approach in practice.
The «reading – writing» practice implies enlarging the scientific – technical
and scientific – popular reading experience of the participants. Training is performed
through employing different kinds of reading: skimming, scanning, extensive and in-
tensive reading followed by essay writing. The «listening – speaking» approach is
aimed at improving skills of comprehending various authentic texts (interviews, in-
structions, radio programs, reports) with further comprehension check (completing
the charts, multiple choice exercises, etc.).
From the point of view of teaching methods, it is obligatory in this students' ac-
tivity to make up oral reports on the topics of the audio-texts. For example, having
listened to the talks with company directors, the students are to make up the report