Стр. 119 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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or time to do so. But they believe that they can start a new life and do sports especial-
ly visit swimming pool.
The next question was «Does a healthy way of life cause success in other
spheres of human activity (studies, work, etc.)? » 48% of students responded posi-
tively. This indicates that respondents objectively understand the importance and val-
ue of a healthy lifestyle for people.
36% of students think about the correctness of their way of life. 27% of re-
spondents think about it rarely and the rest of the respondents do not think about it at
As for the students’ personal attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, 36 % think
that it is great, 51% believe that they can live without it and 13% think that they
should sometimes lead a healthy lifestyle. The answers show that students have not
sufficiently realized the importance of a healthy lifestyle for themselves.
The final question was to continue the sentence «Healthy nation is ...». 75 % of
students answered that it is an illusion.
As a result of the survey we can conclude that the students’ positive attitude
level to healthy lifestyles is not formed enough. Due to a number of factors, students
are not able to ensure a healthy diet and decent leisure. There are cases of anti-social
behavior such as alcohol drinking and smoking. All this shows that there is a need for
effective measures to form the valuable relation to a healthy lifestyle. In order to
promote a healthy lifestyle and form students' positive image of the future it is neces-
sary to carry out various creative competitions, events and activities, involving not
only students but also their parents. Also we agree with Bukin V.P. [1] that it is nec-
essary to ensure the availability that is access to physical culture, sports, tourism for
1. Букин В. П. Здоровье в системе жизненных ценностей молодежи: ре-
гиональный аспект // Известия ВУЗов. Поволжский регион. Гуманитарные
науки. 2008. №4