Стр. 118 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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attitude of today's youth to a healthy lifestyle and the impact of social and psycholog-
ical factors on the attitude of young people towards a healthy lifestyle.
In this study, we will learn the attitude of modern youth to a healthy lifestyle
and try to identify the factors that influence the lifestyle of today's youth because an
unhealthy lifestyle causes irreparable damage to health.
65 students participated in questionnaire survey (36 boys and 29 girls). The age
of respondents was from 17 to 21 years.
The following answers were obtained to the question «How do you think
whether you have bad habits or not?» 57% of respondents gave positive answers and
43 % of respondents answered that they had no bad habits.
As the questionnaire was anonymous, the respondents' answers were very
frank. In further interviews they pointed out that the main bad habits from their points
of view were the following: consumption of alcohol and smoking.
The next question was: «How do you spend your free time? « From the stu-
dents' answers we wanted to get information about their leisure organization. The fol-
lowing answers were received:
a) I sit at home watching TV or playing computer games - 38% of respondents;
b) I go for a walk with friends - 20% of the respondents;
c) I am engaged in sports - 24% of respondents;
d) I do not have free time - 18% of respondents.
It should be noted that the vast majority of young men (over 87%) chose the
third variant. This means that girls and boys have different preferences in spending
their free time.
One of the survey questions was the question of how the students comply with
the diet. The results of the questionnaire survey showed that 42% of respondents
comply with the diet, 47% of students don’t comply with the diet and 11% do it from
time to time.
The next set of questions was related to the issue of awareness of the im-
portance of physical education and sport in a person's life.
The following answers were received. 10% of students do morning exercises
every day, 15% do morning exercises from time to time and 75% never do it.
57% of students answered «yes» to the question «Have you ever done any
kind of sport or visited sports section? » The next question was «When were you in
gym last time? » The students gave the following answers: a) yesterday - 36%; b) a
week ago - 42%; c) one month ago - 22%. It should be noted that a great number of
positive answers are connected with the fact that students attend weekly lessons of
physical culture. However, only 24% of students are engaged in different sport sec-
tions. The majority of respondents (56%) said that they did not have enough money