Стр. 116 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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According to the data presented in the table we can see that the death rate ex-
ceeds the birth rate in the Kemerovo region. The mortality of the working population
in the Kemerovo region is consistently higher than in the other regions of the Russian
Federation. This situation occurred because of the bad environment in the region and
a variety of serious diseases, such as AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis C [1]. For exam-
ple, more than seven hundred people died from AIDS in 2014 which exceeds four
times the indicator of morbidity throughout the Russian Federation. Monthly it is reg-
istered from 400 to 600 new cases and about 100 people die. Also more than 60 thou-
sand cases of substance abuse related to alcohol use were registered in Kemerovo re-
gion [3].
Every year there is an outflow of the population of the Kemerovo region to
other regions and even outside the Russian Federation, which is also associated with
adverse living conditions in the Kemerovo region. The main industries are the coal
industry and metallurgy. In the Kemerovo region there are a lot of factories involved
in hazardous industries that pollute our atmosphere.
The main cause of bad environment today is the problem of air pollution, due
to the fact that the most part of the population lives in areas where the concentration
of pollutants regularly exceeds the maximum permitted levels. The rivers of the Tom
river basin are polluted by waste water of the enterprises of mining, fuel and energy,
metallurgical and chemical industries, agriculture and communal services. Safe drink-
ing water is available to less than 60% of the population. The quality of tap water is
significantly affected by the absence of facilities for cleaning and disinfection of wa-
ter, deterioration of water supply systems and lack of volume sewage treatment
plants. Former spawning river Tom almost completely lost its fishery value. Its wa-
terway became shallow and navigable capabilities were reduced.
Extremely unfavorable environmental situation is in the basin of the river Inya
that flows in the South-Western part of the Kuznetsk basin within the Kemerovo and
Novosibirsk regions. The pool is home to more than 600 000 people. The industrial
production, coal mining and agriculture are developed. Because of a large number of
coal mines, including cuts, deforestation, formation of large piles of rocks, river Inya
has experienced greater anthropogenic load and almost lost its natural state. The river
continuously degrades and becomes shallow, forming a layer of sediments mainly of
anthropogenic origin with a high content of heavy metals, chlororganic compounds,
petroleum products, pesticides.
Unfortunately businesses invest not enough money in modernization of their
equipment, gas treatment system and drainage, restoration of soils and their fertility.
Environmentalists in this region take insufficient measures to reduce deforestation,
clean up riverbeds and maintain water availability. If we don’t neglect all these
measures, our region will be cleaner and suitable for a comfortable living.