Стр. 91 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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As we all know, the education system does not only include some information
to be delivered but also how that information should be delivered to the learners. But
what if we can’t take over or control the rhythm of our education.
Not long ago teachers and scientists were the only references for a specific type
of knowledge or information. We appreciated our teachers for the sake of their
knowledge but now we are drowning in endless river of information in which hard to
keep up with. Anybody can reach any information they seek anytime in no time. So
the question is: «Will we need schools or teachers in the future?»
According to the related average rate in the last ten years in development and
technology, we might see considerably different concept of education system that
might lead us to a complete reliability on machines and here the Artificial intelligence
comes to play.
What we had been thinking we would never even witness in our lifetime, we’re
living it now.
Take for instance a simple thing we all use every day (the search engine).
Google search engine now almost has its own mind, once the code is written no
need to give any other commands to the software because simply it keeps learning
from users individually, Google translate has been developing itself daily in a unbe-
lievable way! One day cannot find an equivalent to a word or an expression and next
day you might, even the way we look up the information online is collected and con-
verted somehow to data that it can be used later on to figure out what might be help-
ful to match what we are trying to translate (creepy).
Just recently, Google and Microsoft both added neural network learn-
ing to their translation apps. Google said it’s using machine learning to suggest
playlists. «Todoist» says it’s using AI to suggest when you should finish a task and
AI-powered bot
All that’s just from last week. Some of it
is marketing fluff to make new features sound impressive, but sometimes the changes
are legitimately useful. «Artificial intelligence», «machine learning», and «neural
networks» all describe ways for computers to do more advanced tasks and learn from
their environment.
Artificial neural networks (ANNs or simply «neural networks» for short) refer
to a specific type of learning model that emulates the way synapses work in our brain.
Traditional computing uses a series of logic statements to perform a task. Neural
networks, on the other hand, use a network of nodes (which act like neurons) and
edges (which act like synapses) to process data. Inputs are then run through the sys-
tem and a series of outputs are generated.
Yes, that’s sound really promising and futuristic nevertheless there’s a signifi-
cant aliment element which may concern our educational process.