Стр. 15 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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use and methods of expression of simple verbal action. These differences are due to
the difference in the mentality of different cultures.
Another way to see the mentality of nation is the grammar of the language be-
cause it is closely to the thinking activity. «While the number of words of a language
is the volume of his world, the grammatical structure of language gives us an idea of
the internal organization of thought» [2]. Wilhelm von Humboldt was the first to in-
troduce the important concept of «linguistic consciousness of the people». It is well
known that one of the main morphological categories of the Russian language is a
category of gender, which divides all the names into three generic class with relevant
external indicators. To support Russian language identification to the gender of nouns
is not difficult, whereas for people who speak other languages mastering the distribu-
tion rules of nouns by gender and following approval procedures with them is one of
the most difficult tasks. Generic opposition masculine, feminine and neuter embed-
ded in language consciousness of Russian people. In order to master this category for
a foreigner, he/she will need to work hard to make sense of it, fit it in their language
consciousness and then use it correctly in course of speech.
Different nations use different words but in the same context. Thus Russian
language makes no difference between the fingers and toes. Whereas in German these
is a clear separation of Finger (hand finger) and Zehe (foot finger), the French Pied
(lower leg), jambe (leg entirely), bras (arm whole), «main» (wrist). This expresses the
fact that the form of words mainly fixes a characteristic feature of the subject for
people. According research, Russian language often highlights the essential features
of objects. Accordingly, lots of people wish to know several languages, because this
can be very useful for their work and life. But it is essential that knowledge of the
language sometimes is not enough we also need to know the mentality of the people
we're dealing with. Thus, more problems in communication arise from a wrong inter-
pretation in terms of culture then from poor grammar.
1. Мильруд Р.П. Основные способы стимулирования речемыслительной
деятельности на иностранном языке // Иностранные языки в школе. 1996. № 6.
С. 7-13.
2. Wilhelm von Humboldt. Selected works on linguistics Ed. G. V. Ramishvili.
Moscow: Progress, 2000.
4. Hentschel, K. «The Mental Aftermath. The Mentality of German Physi-
cists» 1945–1949.
5. Vovelle, M. Ideologies and Mentalities. Translation E. O'Flaherty. Cam-
bridge: Polity Press. 1990.