Стр. 113 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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Canada, which encourages placing household organic waste (such as food and crop
residues) in separate bins to facilitate its further processing.
Many countries that have undergone a decline in production as a result of the
financial and economic crisis have been engaged in an active search for new models
of development in recent years. Such model was chosen at the 40th World Economic
Forum 2010, held in Davos under the theme of «Improving the state of the world: re-
thinking, redesigning, and rebuilding». The participants of the Forum set a new glob-
al course towards the green economy as the only way forward. The concept of «green
economy» is designed to ensure a more harmonious coordination of the components
of economy, society and nature, within the sustainable development paradigm. At the
moment, it is becoming a global course of innovation and anti-recessionary formation
in many countries and regions of the world.
In 2011 South Korea launched a «Green Card System» to promote «green»
consumption of goods produced with environmental innovation. Benefits of the
Green Card System are categorized in four sectors including carbon point
system which is an energy saving program at home, green consumption point
by purchase of green products, public services, and other services same as typical fi-
nancial cards. In my opinion, this experience seems to be quite interesting for Russia,
especially in connection with the national payment system formation. It may include
the «green» component as well.
Scientists from the Netherlands have presented the latest developments in the
field of waste management – an improved technology that separates and clarifies all
the waste coming into the system without pre-sorting and converts it into raw materi-
als. The system recycles all types of waste (medical, household, technical) complete-
ly in a closed cycle, without a trace. Raw materials are clarified completely from im-
purities (harmful substances, dyes and so on), packed and can be reused. Further-
more, the system is environmentally neutral.
In Germany, there is a factory which has been built and tested by TUV (Ger-
man Technical Control and Supervision Service). The factory has been successfully
using this technology for 10 years in test mode. At the moment, the Netherlands gov-
ernment is planning the construction of a similar factory in the territory of the country.
On March 8, 2014, the project turning food waste into energy started in the US.
The US Environmental Protection Agency and the Recycling Center decided to recy-
cle food waste together.
The United States chose the development of alternative energy as the main di-
rection of the green economy development. Due to solar energy systems by 2030
65% of the energy and 35% of the heat consumed by the country will be produced.
The authorities of American states were given two years (since 2014) to develop spe-
cific measures on their own to achieve this goal. President Barack Obama announced