Стр. 98 - Сборник материалов VII Международной научно-практической конференции на иностранных языках

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has become less than the cost of a loan. Secondly, the increasing of mortgage rates
has put many borrowers in a difficult position, as they have lost the ability to repay
the loan and were forced to declare a default.
But ultimately, banks and various funds they own, bought too much profitable
on the market mortgage securities. Getting rid of subprime risk loans, they again took
them on their balance, believing the artificial market, which they created themselves
By the 2005 2/3 mortgages had gone with sheets and turned into mortgage
bonds and structured securities. But in the crisis 2008 year issue of mortgage securi-
ties fell significantly. The era of mortgage securities, so roughly prospered for 3
years, was finished.
Summing up it should be mentioned that the cause of the financial crisis was
not a crisis in the housing market, but the crisis of the entire building of mortgage de-
rivatives and commodity securities.
1. Финансовый кризис 2008 года: причины и следствия. [Электронный ре-
сурс] URL: https://geektimes.ru/company/obrforex/blog/281888/
2. Ипотечное кредитование жилищного строительства: Учеб. пос./С.А.
Баронин, В.В. Бочкарев и др.; Под общ. ред. С.А. Баронина и др. - М.: НИЦ
ИНФРА-М, 2014 – 189 с.
3. Дамодаран, А. Инвестиционная оценка: Инструменты и методы оценки
любых активов / Асват Дамодаран; Пер. с англ. - 5-е изд. - М.: Альпина Бизнес
Букс, 2008. - 1340 с.
4. Доценко Е.Ю., Жиронкин С.А., Жиронкина О.В. Социальное благопо-
лучие как критерий эффективности структурной политики // Ученые записки
Российской Академии предпринимательства. 2015. № 44. С. 325-336.
УДК 336.64
Щептев А.А., студент, Кемеровский технологический институт
пищевой промышленности (университет),
A.A. Shcheptev, a student,
Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry (University)
В данной статье проведен анализ денежных потоков основной и инвести-
ционной деятельности ПАО «Магнит» за период 2013-2015 гг. Сделаны соот-
ветствующие выводы на основе полученных результатов.